I have two suggestions and both are fun series of books. First, the Little Critter books by Mercer Mayer, There are tons of them and they cover everything: watching scary movies, behaving in public, GETTING LOST, being nice to kids who are different, accepting your siblings, and on and on. The other series are books by S. Boynton. There are all SO cute, they rhyme and have silly things in them, but my boys just loved them and my husband and I still do. My youngest was a late talker too. He didn't really start talking until he was two and was in speech therapy bi-monthly for a year. I can still remember the first book that made him laugh. It was a Boynton book called :”Red Hat, Yellow Hat, Green Hat, Oops!” and it’s about these animals getting dressed, piece by piece, along with a silly turkey who always puts the items on incorrectly. When he was around two, Nathan couldn't stop laughing at that book. He didn’t talk, but he got his point across. And learning to have a sense of humor is an important lesson too J