Congratulations! I know you're in a bit of shock right now, but you'll adjust eventually (hopefully...hehe). My current pregnancy was a complete surprise. I can relate a bit with you.
The age spacing isn't too bad. Your 17 month old will be around 25-26 months old? He/she will be nearing the age of being more able to be more obedient:-) so that's a plus!
For the terrible twos, I'd HIGHLY suggest reading this book called:
"Positive Discipline for Preschoolers: For Their Early Years--Raising Children Who are Responsible, Respectful, and Resourceful"
That's a nice long name, eh?! But if you can get read up on a good book like this, you will have the skills you need when you need them to help your situation not get overwhelming for you. It's a much different approach than the "Super Nanny" punishment methods. And, this method (from the book) has been proven over time to have excellent long-term results. You respect your child as you are loving and firm in disciplining and helping them be who they are and be a respectful person who feels good about themselves (whereas more punishment type of parenting often destroy self esteem and cause lots of issues later on).
Anyway, I won't ramble forever. Just HIGHLY recommend this book and her other one called "Positive Discipline" which is good for once they are a bit older. Both are by Jane Nelsen. Educating yourself so you have the skills when you need them will be a life saver for you.
Oh, and another good book "Siblings Without Rivalry". This is an awesome book too.
If it helps any, my 2nd baby was 19 months old when baby #3 arrived. Baby #3 was 22 months old when baby #4 arrived. Baby #4 will be 15 months old when baby #5 arrives (our surprise baby!). It is a bit of a challenge for sure, but it's more doable than it seemed like it would be. And you adjust and it gets fun living in a world of chaos where your life goal becomes figuring out how to shower every day:-)
Good luck!