My son is 6 now and did the same thing, he went to daycare. He only acted this way towards me & sometimes my sister the people close to him. I even went to a parenting class he was out of control, even pulling down kitchen chairs, couch cushions. She is learning independance and her own emotions, just not how to handle them. May sound funny but she needs choices, shopping ask her if she wants to sit in the seat or the basket, bath time ask her if she wants to take it before or after dinner or in morning. Does she want juice or water, big cup or little cup, to wear a dress or shorts, etc. That way she thinks she is a big girl and making her own decisions, but she is still doing what you want her to do. I am not say make her boss thats why i am saying choices, kids hate to be told what to do. Give it a try!make it a game, for you, lol. I was amazed something so simple could make such a big difference. I even started the 1,2,3 method didnt work so much at 2. But at 3 till now it works. Just have to be consistant, which is easier said than done. Gotta start now before baby comes, it will get more complicated, more trying. I was also a single parent till he was 4. Write me if you need!