In response to Shari's post, my daughter is not delayed in any way. She had a helmet for a misshapen head due to Torticollis as an infant. She started walking very early at 9 1/2 months with the helmet and is now 18 months and climbs on everything and is completely normal. Her physical therapist (for her Torticollis) was always very impressed with her motor skills. She was pulling herself up at 8 months and cruising around the furniture. You should not make such general statements unless you have gone to medical school and have a degree in Pediatric Neurosurgery!
Sue –I was horrified to put the helmet on my daughter although it was for a medical condition. It made her sweat so much and she would pull on it all the time. I would compare it to wearing a football helmet all day. Would you like to have that on all day if it was not necessary. Babies are built for bumps and bruises. It looks like you have an 8 year old daughter, I’m sure she was just fine without a helmet. I think it is just a gimmick. Unless a baby has a real medical need for such a device I say don’t waste your money on scare tactics. You may also want to speak to your pediatrician just to verify.