I didn't find it difficult at all going from 1 to 2. A little more work but not that much and nothing new. I was much older than you, 34 with my first and 37 with my second child. Now at 41, I am dating someone who wants more kids and I think it would be fine. I think the first is honestly the hardest adjustment. Once you know what you are doing adding more isn't so hard. Now I can only speak to having two. I have no idea if going to 3 or more would get significantly more difficult. But I doubt it, my kids are 4 and 7 now and they are fairly independent, meaning they use the potty/feed them selves, buckle their own car seats, walk well in stores, etc. So now that they are older I would have the time. My daughter was 2 and a half when I had my son. She was old enough that she wasn't a baby anymore. It did cut down on time with her, but in the end she has a brother, and they play together all the time. It was so worth it.