Theme Anniversary Gift for My Husband

Updated on July 03, 2013
E.M. asks from Phoenix, AZ
6 answers

Hello, all! My husband and I are having our 13th wedding anniversary on Thursday. We don't usually do anything big for our anniversary, but we do exchange small gifts (under $20-ish). I have always tried to go with a little spin on the traditional- for our first anniversary, for example, I got him a book about superheroes since it is the "paper" anniversary, for our 9th, which is china or pottery, I commissioned a platter with a fireworks pattern in the glaze from a friend of mine. This year I am stumped... 13 is lace!! What the heck do I get my husband that has to do with lace??
Thanks so much for any suggestions!!!!

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So What Happened?

Brilliant!! I totally forgot about lace cookies- and those are his favorite!! I think I will go with some lace cookies and something both racy and lacy :) Thanks so so much!!!!!

More Answers



answers from Oklahoma City on

A sexxxxxxy nighty he can have some fun taking off you??????

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answers from Washington DC on

That's so easy!
Lacy nightgown, lacy underwear, or maybe just some lace cookies.

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answers from Austin on

Before I read Gamma G's answer, that was in my thoughts... something with as little (or as much) lace as possible... then have fun!

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answers from Minneapolis on

There is always a traditional and modern gift for each anniversary. Maybe this time you could take the modern spin which is textiles/furs. Might be a bit easier to come up with something. Otherwise I think Gamma G has the best idea!

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answers from Kansas City on

you could do one of those old fashioned lacy photo albums with pictures of the two of you over the years.

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answers from Dover on

Picture of you in lace. Like someone else suggested...lace cookies.

You could go with hankerchiefs and maybe add some lace (since men's would not normally be lacey).

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