It can vary a lot. My niece did not get teeth until just after she turned one year. She was told if she had not cut any teeth by 18 mos they would do an xray to see if there were actually teeth in there. Some babies get them at 3 or 4 months old. The drooling does not necessarily mean teeth are coming, it just happens that their saliva production increases at a similar time to teething (6ish months) and they don't know how to swallow it yet (or that they should be swallowing it). I think another reason drooling is associated with teething is that the drool tends to spill out more as the chew on things, and they tend to chew on things as the teeth are coming in. My babies had varying experiences with teething, with my first I only knew he was teething because I felt a tooth in his mouth. With my third there was a couple weeks of fussiness, decreased appetite, poor sleeping, giving tylenol, etc. Hopefully yours will go smoothly. Be patient.