I think you have a ways to go before ODD. She just has that temperament.
What you are discribing is typical 3 yr old stuff. To effect a change, you have to pick a disapline style and stick with it. Maybe Love and Logic, maybe another one. Read up on 3 yr olds and learn what makes a difference. Even a few pages a day can help. Try, How to talk so kids will Listen, How to listen so kids will talk. Try finding them at the library but if buying is your only way, it's a good investment.
If you need to, seek family counseling. It can give you tools to get your life back. Don't resent her. Raise her. She's only 3. The next two yrs will be tough but 5 is usually a sweet age, if you get these two right.
Good luck!
You are the biggest factor in how she reacts with her world. Calm, matter of fact disapline. No screaming, violence or anger. And I mean you, lol!
You will loose it somedays. 3 yr olds are nothing, if not persistent! But most of your responses should just expect her to push back, use your technique and don't expect different results from her for a long while. Don't change, be consistent. Be very calm for as long as she can scream. You are the adult, you can do this. Find time to relate and invest time in her, everyday. Build your relationship, not just yell at her.