Switching to Cloth Diapers

Updated on February 04, 2010
V.N. asks from Alpharetta, GA
9 answers

Hello Moms,

I am planning on an International trip to India for couple of months with my 5 month old baby boy. All while I've been using pampers diapers and he is happy with it. But my trip to India is going to be in peak summer where I will not be able to keep him on diapers all the time as it will be pretty hot. So am planning to use cloth diapers intermittently. I know there are lot of brands of cloth diapers available but am not sure which one would suit his purpose and also will be economical. Request moms to suggest brands that will be easy on the baby during heat and where I can purchase them. My baby is 4.5 months now and weighs 18 lbs. Also does anyone know if I can use mosquito repellent wipes on the baby (face and body??) Which stores carry them?

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answers from Charleston on

We loved Kissaluvs diapers (they are fitted & keep most accidents in) along with a good cover but I could only find them online. Good luck!

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answers from Spartanburg on

I use cloth diapers. To keep your little ones skin cool and dry in the hot weather I would recommend using either fitteds or prefolds without a cover. Covers keep the heat and moisture in the diaper next to babes skin and can cause rashes.
During the hot months here my daughter wears fitteds without a cover and a matching t-shirt.
Fitted diapers are more expensive but easier (in my opinion) to put on because they are designed like a disposable with either snaps or velcro fasteners.
To wear a prefold without a cover you'll need to use pins. As you search you'll find a product called a Snappi but DO NOT use a Snappi to fasten a prefold without a cover. Snappis can pinch the skin of you and your little one if used without a cover.
If you're scared of pinning a diaper I would really go for the fitteds.

I use Goodmamas & Sandy's without covers and they are very absorbent. I have also used Thirsties Fab Fitted and IMO they are not as absorbent and needed to be changed every hour and half.

You can read reviews of popular fitted diapers here: http://www.diaperpin.com/diapers/itemlist.asp?subcat=FITTED

I would check out these stores. Contact them and tell them what you are looking for. All the owners are great and will gladly recommend a product for your needs.


You can also look here for EUC diapers (if used doesn't bother you): http://www.diaperswappers.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=19

Feel free to message me if you need anything else. I love cloth diapering and like to help other mamas out! :)

EDIT: If you want to check out more on prefolds this is a great "how to". Pic heavy: http://www.greenmountaindiapers.com/prefolds.htm

Prefolds are the easiest on your wallet and are on sale here: http://www.little-lions.com/page50.html
You can get a dozen diapers for between $6 - $16 and pins are $2.50 for 3. Can't beat that!

2 moms found this helpful


answers from Salt Lake City on

Please don't us ethose mosquito repellant wipes on your baby!! There are plenty of natural options that would be much safer! I purchased a wrist band that was all natural for me to wear while carrying my son last summer, and that worked great. Also tea tree oil and neem oil are natural insect repellants, you can put a little (like 10 drops in the whole bottle) in your shampoo (maybe not his so you don't risk getting it in his eyes), or mix with water and spray on things (clothing). I was also just told that the tea tree oil would be safe to use on my sons' eczema. Just watch to make sure there is no allergic reactions.
As for cloth diapers, the most economic way to go is with prefold diapers. These are actually my favorite to use! They are much slimmer than other options I tried. IMy favorite place to buy prefolds (because they are the only extra wide prefolds that work super great with snappis) is Green Mountain Diapers. Check out their website and there is plenty of info on sizing. Although my son is 18 pounds and uses the red stitch diapers. (you might want to go up one size if he is growing quickly though) I love thirsty's covers. Never had any leak problems, and they are much more effective than disposables! You'll probably want to get at least 2 dozen prefolds and 5 covers to last about 2-3 days worth. You can send me a message if you have any more questions! Good luck! And have fun on your trip!!


answers from Minneapolis on

Never used cloth diapers, but all my relatives do. They get them from those boutique type baby stores. I think the thing to do would be to go to a store like that and chat with the workers. They really do see it all. My sister-in-law could talk for hours about cloth diapers. She uses cloth diapers with this little over diaper that straps over the cloth ones. It's very cool and works great. She also knows all the great on-line places to order them from for cheap.



answers from Minneapolis on

I have to recommend the all-in-ones that Amy makes at www.twigandvine.com She is a SAHM that makes a very quality cloth diaper for less than many of the commercial brands. I would use her sizing guidelines to find the right size. I have compared these to Fuzzy Bunz and prefer Amy's. I am getting ready to place a new order for baby #2.

These are VERY easy to use!



answers from Bellingham on

I use cloth diapers. You must buy the all-in-one style!!!!! The other ones are too complicated. I'm not sure why you couldn't be able to use pampers in the extreme heat? I use Kushies all in ones but they are very thick so I am not sure how they would be in hot weather. Have fun in India, it is such an amazing country you will never forget it!



answers from Atlanta on

i'm not sure about the mosquito repellent, but I own my own diaper service and think I have tried all means of cloth diapering under the sun! :)

The most economical is prefolds with covers. This could be absolutely doable also for your trip. Depending on your cover, it is also the most breathable.

There are pockets, AIOs, AI2s, fitteds, PUL covers, wool covers (either hand knit or made out of interlock or felted wool), and really combinations can go on and on.

Will you have laundry available readily? I would recommend a large wetbag (which is actually dry) but something you put the diapers in until you are ready to wash them.

I am in Newnan, and noticed you are in Alpharetta. I offer free consultations to show people the different type of diapers and don't require you buy them from me. You are welcome to search on the internet for anything you need to buy, but I would like to inform you and teach you of the options you have. Hope this helps and if I can be of any assistance, do not hesitate to call me at ###-###-####.




answers from Myrtle Beach on

Looks like you got lots of good info here. To put in my 2 cents, prefolds would certainly be cheapest, and they are very absorbant. But for me they are bulky and I'm not sure they would be great in the heat. I think Fuzzi Bunz would do nicely ion the heat. They are a little looser in fit and I thin they would breathe well. I buy all mine online. Either at cotton babies or if I'm looking for fuzzi Buns I just do a search and find the best price. Welcome to the world of cloth!



answers from Charleston on

About the repellant, you might want to check with his pediatrician, since he's under 6 months...though I guess by summer he'll be over. Anyway, we always used Avon's Skin So Soft on our boys when they were so young. Wipe it on the back of the neck and ankles/legs to create an "aura" of bug-off!

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