Hi R.! Cloth diapers are SO FREAKIN' CONFUSING in the beginning! I used prefolds, pins and snappis and plastic pants with my daughter, owing to the initial expense of cloth diapers, but I got lucky with my son and had a friend who was potty training twins. She handed on several different types of diapers for me to try out, and the ones I've stuck with (and am getting ready to buy more of, including larger size covers) are Motherease. They absorb and absorb and keep on absorbing! In the beginning, they were fine on their own, no matter what, but now that he's bigger (he'll be a year on Saturday), I have to use a liner at night.
The internet is a great resource to check out the different types of diapers. Just google cloth diapers and you'll be overwhelmed by what comes up.
This site has different reviews on different types of diapers.
This one has TONS of pictures, which can give you an idea of what they're all like.
And THIS one has TONS of good ideas to hold down costs on buying and washing and everything else.
To be honest, I was afraid cloth would be too much hassle. I'm so used to the two-piece diapers now that it seems like no big deal. I have just started soaking the "soiled" diapers in a baking soda/vinegar soak (since he finally started solids). The whole pile of liners, diapers, covers and the bag that lines my not-wet diaper pail, plus the contents of the lidded trashcan that I soak the others in, all goes into the washing machine. A quick spin cycle to remove the icky water, two washes, one with vinegar, one without, in regular detergent and hot water, throw the mess into the dryer (sometimes I'm game for hanging up the liners, but I don't have a clothesline to hang them all up, shame on me), pull them out and drop them in the plastic box I keep clean diapers in. Ta-da, done.
For wipes, I cut squares out of a receiving blanket and I use those cheap baby washcloths that come in a big package. I wad them into an old plastic wipes box and mix water with a few drops of baby bath soap and a few drops of lavender oil (which is a great antimicrobial, plus smelling WONDERFUL), dump the solution over the wipes and roll with it.
A big plastic zipper bag or one of the pretty cloth bags with waterproof lining is great for on-the-go diaper changes, to bring the icky ones home without the smell or damp getting in your bag.
And, last but not least, what I like best about the Mother-ease is that they go from newborn through potty training without having to get all new diapers. I never worry if they're going to fit (only the covers, which he's starting to outgrow because of his meaty, meaty thighs. Maybe when he starts walking they'll slim down a bit???). AND, having covers along helps. I didn't pack a diaper for a quick trip to get my oldest son from school. Of course, the baby wet THROUGH HIS CLOTHES, since he had just napped. So I looked in the back of my car, found a clean cover and an old, clean t-shirt. Folded the shirt into the cover, wrapped it around the baby, and went! See, there are other advantages to cloth diapering other than the environmental thing and the cost LOL
Take care! Hope this helps