The Mod Quest I would definitely recommend over the techno for your childs age, the difference in rceline is small but the adjustable footrest on the quest makes a difference for that age comfort and also for sleeping. It is enough to use for sleeping and the large seat and higher wt limit make it an awesome lifetime stroller. Maclaren are really high quality so will last a long time and it folds well and is lightweight. the handles are a nice high height and it steers beautifully even one handed, there is no comparison. Maclaren however does make a full recline stroller (for more money), the techno you can check their website at but most kids like the tad incline for comfotr with sleeping anyway.
The one thing I dont like about the quest is it is tippy if you hang things on the handle (I bought this after 8 yrs with a peg perego pliko though so was used to never tippiness wvene with 20 bags on the handle) and it has no front bar. It does have a 55 lb weight limit (most tsrollers it is 40) and the seat is large to accomodate that so yuo will be able to use it for many years to come
I would certainly go with a high quality stroller though, once yuo try it yuo will never go back, the steering and quality is so different (I started with gracos, kolcraft, etc with my first and am now going on my 4th child). The other I like is the Peg Perego P3, I recently replaced my Quest with a P3 b/c we are expect baby #4. My Quest is pink and this baby is a boy. Plus the P3 has an almost flat recline, enclosable seat and will take almost any brand of infant carseat. It is also not tippy, has a front tray, etc But you sacrifice steering, the P3 does not steer as easily, has more plastic parts, and folds larger and heavier.
If you are only looking at Babies R Us then these are basically the 2 I would look at. If you start looking online then a huge world opens up and your decision will be harder