Stomach Rash

Updated on April 29, 2010
B.W. asks from Bethel Park, PA
6 answers

My daughter has had a rash on her stomach for a few days in just one spot, but today it has spread to most of her stomach. It is light and like needlepoint in size. She hasn't been sick, hasn't had a fever and hasn't eaten anything unusual. We have been staying with my parents for the past few days in lancaster (we live in pittsburgh) but she has been there before. We took along her usual body wash so that was not new either. I am going to call the nurse/doctor in the morning, but was wondering if anyone knows what this could be to ease my mind tonight. She is 21 months and hasn't gotten any shots lately either.

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answers from Indianapolis on

Honestly, dermatological reactions are some of the hardest to diagnose since they all look a lot alike and often take the skilled eyes of a Dermatologist to really diagnose and recommend proper treatment.

My guess is that the pediatrician/nurse will recommend Benadryl/Zyrtec to see if it is an allergic reaction. Pollen counts are so high, she could have come into contact with something foreign and simply be having a reaction.

The other possibility is some kind of contact dermatitis which can be caused by just about anything - bacterial, fungal, viral - or eczema or even heat rash.

I think you're doing the right thing by calling her pediatrician in the morning. I'd wait until then to purchase anything because of her age and not knowing a recommended dose or proper diagnosis.



answers from Minneapolis on

I just took my 17 month old daughter to the doc yesterday for a similar sounding rash. They wanted to see her to rule out strep (someone else mentioned that as well - it can cause just a rash I guess).

He said it was a virus, and sent me on my way. We've had it for 5 days now, he said it could go as long as 7.

I'd talk to your doc., see if they want to check for strep. Sometimes they like to look at it too, just to see what it looks like. They can rule out alot by the way it looks.



answers from Milwaukee on

a friend's son gets a rash on his chest and stomach when he has step throat. he doesn't complain of a sore throat and doesn't run a fever. but everytime test postive for strep!!



answers from Washington DC on

Does the rash go away when you press on the area? Heat rash will usually go away for a few seconds when you press on the area. But with another kind of rash you will sitll be able to see the bumps when you press on the area. It is most likely a reaction to something if there are no other symptoms. My son had a rash all over both his ears and the sides of his neck yesterday afternoon and evening. I almost took him to the doctor but decided to wait it out and it was gone by the morning. I would still call the doctor in the morning just to be sure since it seems to have spread a little bit.



answers from Chicago on

This sounds exactly what I just brought my 2.5 yo in to the dr for! I called about it last week and was told to come in if it lasted for another week. He's had it (on his back) for over two weeks now. The dr told me it was caused by something he came into contact with, although I have no idea what that might be since there haven't been any changes, much like you describe. She said it is contact dermatitis and was probably started with sweating and something rubbing against the skin. Our treatment: .5% hydrocortazone 2-3 times a day on it. If we use 1%, we have to mix it in equal parts with a heavy cream lotion. We're to apply it for one additional day after it disappears. Hope your daughter's is gone soon too!


answers from Cincinnati on

The description reminds me of Roseola. Google it and see if the pics look like your daughter!!! It's a virus, and the doctor will not give meds.

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