First of all, if you can postpone your work start date a bit longer, I'd consider that. Second, why is he being allowed to cry for hours when you're able to nurse him? Third, someone can give him pumped breastmilk with a spoon, sippy cup, medicine device or bendable plastic cup. Most babies adapt if they're held a lot when mom's not there but some refuse to take a bottle and wait for her. Fourth, can you nurse him once during your work day at this early age? He will adjust but I wouldn't push it until you have to. Even 1/2 ounce here and there can get him thru if you let him nurse a lot before you go and then when you return. This will work out, L., but keep his suffering to a minimum, and yours too, by making sure he's being held/carried etc. a lot while you're gone and power nursing him before and after. Best time to pump is after a morning feeding, by the way. Good luck!