Looks fine (but a little like overkill) to me. :)
It definitely would be the better choice over standing on a chair. But I just use/d the same step stool they used in the bathroom. The plastic kind with rubberized step and rubber grips on the feet. It was fine.
I just tried to google it, and it seems they have changed the design a little since we got ours (ummm about 9 or 10 years ago?). Ours is more rectangular, but the features are really pretty much the same. Sturdy. Slip resistant (both the standing surface and the feet of the stool itself). Easy to clean. Small, lightweight. Holds up to 150 pounds.
Heck, even though my daughter is almost 12, we keep it in the kitchen these days. I have even used it myself to reach high shelves in our bedroom closet! :)