First, hang in there. Every family whether step or not has issues of parenting styles that differ and you have to work through them. Probably the best thing to do is to have a talk with your husband - without your child around. Tell him that you know there has been some friction between you and he on how to parent your daughter. You don't want him to feel like you are stepping on his toes, so you feel like you guys need to come up with a plan. Start with basics. Spanking - Ok or No? Ok under certain circumstances. What is a spanking - 1 pop on the butt, a slap on the hand, using a belt, etc. Be specific. Next, food. Tell him you are both trying to eat better and you know your daughter needs to eat better too. However, she is a child, she's not overweight, and she can have some things that you guys shouldn't. Like it's OK for her to have a hamburger every once in a while, or some ice cream, etc. So, what are the guidelines? Once a month she can have fast food? When at home we'll try to cook for her? How are you going to handle if she doesn't like something? My thoughts on the subject are that my kids have to eat what I cook, I'm not making a bunch of food for everyone to have their favorite every night. Next, if they choose not to eat what is cooked, that is fine, but nothing else. No snacks, no other meal, etc. They can wait until the next day for more food. They may be hungry and uncomfortable, but what I put on the plate is edible and if they don't want to eat it, that's fine, but no other food. This seems to work for us and we have never had overly picky eaters. Also, I might make something like spaghetti, rolls, and corn. My daughter doesn't really like corn, but she has to take at least 1 bite. My son may want a second roll, but that can't happen unless he eats all his corn and spaghetti first. My youngest may only eat corn, so he can have more corn if he tries the spaghetti first. See how that works? I don't mind giving a second helping of corn (veggie), but no second on the roll (b/c high in fat and not filling) until the good stuff has been eaten. If you know she doesn't like spaghetti, but she does like corn, pair those together so she will try the spaghetti. Next, discipline in general. If she is rough with the 1 year old, how are you going to handle it? Bring her to you and remind her the 1st time? 2nd offence send her to her room? Timeout? spanking? Just talk through some specifics so you can get on the same page. He IS her father now and he needs to be empowered to discipline her. However, you are her mother and need to protect her if someone is being harsh. That being said, there are times when my hubby is harsh on the kids and I wait until we are alone to tell him that I think he went too far and/or that the punishment didn't fit the crime. We can talk about it, but in front of the kids, I have to back him up so they know we are a unit.