He can't cope.
Use other ways of teaching/disciplining him for transgressions.
There is transgressions which a child does knowingly... and those that the child can't "control", due to ability and maturity and developmental age....
Keep this in mind.
He is displaying inability.... and he is not able to cope... with stress or anxiety.
Young children, do not know how to cope.... automatically.
teach him..... about feelings/emotions/communication... this will in the long run... provide 'skills' for a child to navigate themselves, when older, per coping and emotional management.
Even adults, don't know this, automatically.
It must be taught... in a safe and comforting way...
You do NOT want, a pent-up young boy... to then become an emotionally pent-up Man.
Boys... NEED to know how to express themselves, and how to communicate... and that it is okay... to feel mad or happy. BUT... the KEY is to teach them... how to cope and alternate ways of expressing it.... and that their parent, will 'hear' them and be a soft place to fall, no matter what. That is what I teach my son and daughter... despite 'discipline.'
all the best,