Some One Gave Him a crayon.........sigh

Updated on September 20, 2009
K.D. asks from Irving, TX
4 answers

ok Moms, HELP!! Someone stuck a purple crayon in my sons pocket. I know someone put it there because he still hasn't figured out what a pocket is!!!
I just learned that all important lesson........check your child's pockets BEFORE you start the machine!! Soooooooooooooo, anyone know how to get purple crayon out of clothes that have already been dryed??

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So What Happened?

Well Ladies, thanks for all the great ideas. I tried a few and got the best result from the OxyClean!!!! I am now a BIG fan!! I put one cup of OxyClean, one regular dose of Tide and let it sit in my washer for 3 days, and it totally worked!! Holy Cow!!
Thanks again Ladies!

More Answers



answers from Dallas on

We have had great luck with a strong solution (multiple scoops of each)of oxyclean & tide in the washer-mix it up a bit, add stained clothes, & let sit for 3-4 days. Then wash & check. If it's just faded, repeat for a few more days. I swear this is magic & it almost always works!

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Dallas on

I have always been told to place a brown paper bag, flat, over the wax area and then apply a hot iron. The heat from the iron will draw the wax up into the bag. This worked when my husband spilled wax all down the wall in my kitchen



answers from Dallas on

Same thing happened to me and it was all over the clothes and inside the dryer. I went to and found they suggested WD40...sure enough, it works.



answers from Dallas on

What a coincidence! My daughter did the same thing last week! I was lucky because I think that it's a washable crayon so I washed the darker things 2 more times and it came out, the whites I bleached. She had 2 khaki colored pants that it did not come out of though :-(
Problem was I didn't notice anything in the washer, it was the DRYER that caused the problem. Whoops!
Good luck!!!

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