We have the stink issue too. Honestly the absolute only thing that worked for us was Rockin' Green Detergent. http://rockingreensoap.3dcartstores.com/Samples_c_8.html You can get the samples for $.75 each. I would really recommend getting at least two samples. Soak all your diapers overnight, then wash as normal, without detergent. If that doesn't work (it didn't with us) do another overnight soak and wash as normal with out detergent. Stop using the Tide booster. Tide is NOT safe for cloth diapers. I'm not really sure if Arm and Hammer is "safe" either. I make my own detergent. It's really really easy and super crazy cheap. http://www.duggarfamily.com/recipes.html
You can try stripping your diapers too. Use some regular Dawn dish detergent in your wash and keep washing until the water isn't soapy anymore. I would say maybe use about 2 Tbs (a total guess) of Dawn. You'll have to wash them a lot to get the soap out. I think it took me a good 7 HOT washes.
Line dry if you possibly can. Sun bleaching does wonders for killing the bacteria in the diapers.
Do you have hard water? If so, get a bottle of Calgon Water Softener and use it with your regular detergent.
You can also try vinegar in the wash. Or baking soda. I've even done and Oxi-Clean soak over night. If you soak in anything, you'll just want to soak your inserts, fitteds, or pre-folds, NOT your covers. Prolonged exposure to water and detergent can ruin your covers. That said, when I did my first soak with Rockin' Green I soaked everything overnight.. I didn't the second time.
Now, for your regular wash routine.... Do one cold rinse, no detergent, use LOTS of water. Then do a HOT wash (Warm or hot rinse if you can, if not, cold is fine) with 1/3 the amount of detergent recommended for a regular wash. I personally do another cold rinse after the wash. Sometimes I'll even do two washes in HOT with detergent. I've found that I don't have to do an extra wash with the Rockin' Green. I would suggest maybe using the Rockin' Green once or twice a month. You wouldn't have to use it every time. I know it's very pricey.
Check out www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com They have a TON of washing tips. I think a lot of it is trial and error. We've been using cloth for almost two years total and I've tried a lot of different things.
Let me know if you have any more questions! I LOVE cloth :)