My son slept great (over 12 hours a night). BUT he did wake up to eat. As soon as he ate, he went back to sleep. He'd nurse at7ish, then sleep until 10pm, then again around 3am, and then get up at 8ish (he'd eat every 2 hours in the daytime). I was still UP at 10pm, so that was no biggie. 3am, he nursed and passed out again. So I just sleepwalked in, fed him and read a book, and stumbled back to bed.
I count that as 12 hours, because he was actually SLEEPING. I have known so many colicky, ear infection prone, will NOT lay back down, or just "happy to be awake" babies that I counted my lucky stars with just 1 (well, 2 technically) feeding(s) a night (after I was asleep) and that he passed right back out again. He'd occasionally go through a growth spurt and wake up every 2 hours at night, and be cluster feeding every 30 minutes in the daytime... so I definitely had a "comparison" to go off of. Not to mention the times where he was sick and just wanted to be held constantly.
My kiddo was growing, and thus was hungry (he nursed an average of 20oz per feeding). That simple. I had no help... so I learned to read 1/2 asleep to stay awake until he was done.
I've been homeless (back when god was a boy), and as such have woken up starving hungry and not been able to do a thing about it. Each time my son woke or wakes hungry (or on the rare occasions I currently wake up hungry) I *remember* that feeling... the ache and the sadness/fear/pain that happens when you're hungry and 1/2 asleep (instictive maybe?)... and took great joy in having food available. Grumbly "Ugh...Need to pee... what time is it?" joy, to be sure... but there was no way on earth I was going to deny him.
With as fast as he was growing (he was 2 feet long when he was born, and nearly 3 feet tall at his 1 year bday) our ped was surprised he wasn't waking more often... until she glanced at the lactation study. MOST babies can't even hold 20oz in their stomachs. He could.