First, rest assured (no pun intended) that just because your son is a bad napper/sleeper at home, that does not mean he will be at daycare. Kids are amazingly 'different' at daycares. First and foremost, he's doing it at home because A. It's been life for him as long as he knows it and B. It works!!! But if/when he starts out at daycare and has to nap at the same time as other kids, sleep in a crib, etc. he will quickly adapt to that. I was amazed the first day my 12 month old went to daycare and slept soundly on a cot!!!
That being said, if you are still interested in getting him to sleep in his crib, I have a few suggestions. Try these out and hopefully one works!
1. Put him to bed with you. Then when he's sound asleep, move him. If he wakes up you can choose to move him back to your bed or pat his back, rock him, etc until he's back asleep and put him back into his bed.
2. Rock him in a dark room with a blanket and sing songs to him until he's drowsy and put him down. If he fusses, rub his back but do not pick him up. Even if he cries when you leave the room, give him a few minutes. If this does not work, try a variable or two - turn a light on as a nightlight, leave the door open or close it. Make sure there is a fan blowing for sound (or a sound machine, music) to drown out other sounds.
3. Rock him until he's completely asleep. This may start a bad habit but I did this with my daughter off and on from 0-16 months and she now goes to bed without being rocked (but we do cuddle) and I do sit in her room for a few minutes after she goes into bed.
4. Let him cry it out. I'm only mentioning this because I'm sure other mothers will. I could never do this with my daughter until she was around 2.5 and even then, it only happened when I realized/knew she was capable of falling asleep on her own and I was getting ready to move her 6 month old brother into her room and knew she needed to learn to self soothe. It was easier for me because she was older and not so much a 'baby' crying for mama. Still, I don't really recommend this!
Good luck!! It may be a few hard nights, or you may luck out and it may be easy. Be sure to play extra hard each night to really tucker him out. And start a new bedtime routine that includes putting on pjs, reading IN his room, singing IN his room and rocking or sitting IN his room before bed. He'll slowly start to realize that at that certain time, it's time for him to go to bed in his bed.
Now I say all this and have a 3 and 1 year old and the 3 year old coslept with us (middle of night and or/ early mornings) from 0-24 months then when her brother was born, she wanted nothing to do with our bed (he slept in a cosleeper next to us for six months). At 2.5 we started leaving her door open and she started going to bed MUCH easier, but she STILL gets up every night (now it's usually around 11pm) and gets into bed with me. My husband does not come to bed until around 4-5am (due to work) so I don't mind this.