Whether you have light of very dark skin, the same rules apply to everyone. Look for those products that contain natural ingredients. Products to stay away from are those that contain any kind of parabens and chemical alcohols. They are cheap and a not good for the skin over the long term. Cleansing products that contain any kind of sulfates are huge No-No's not only for your face but hair as well...very CHEAP and destructive additives. Stay far away from those!
Do your research with ALL products and try to get samples, if possible.
One website to use for ingredient inspection is Ulta.com or oilofolay.com These both list the ingredients in their products.
Always use 2 kinds of moisturizers after gently cleansing your face then a toner to bring it back to a natural pH state, then a water based lotion with spf and then a cream based moisturizer with spf as well. Water based is light and easily abosrbed by the skin but will evaporate quickly leaving your skin feeling dry. When you apply the cream moisturizer, it keeps the lotion to do it's job and it makes your face soft and glowing. Using just the heavier cream doesn't moisturize the face properly and will feel dry as well.
Whatever products you decide, read the ingredients carefully and your face will thank you for years to come!