ETA: Loved your SWH addition!
That's awesome! This is the best positive outcome :)
Just reading this now.
I have shy kids and I am shy. I get kind of bothered when people assume shyness is a 'bad' thing because it's a personality trait - just like blue eyes. It's not something to 'overcome'.
If your daughter doesn't like to perform - I wouldn't necessarily keep putting her in performance type activities. That's just me.
I have a child who loves music who is shy/reserved/introverted - a combination of traits (they don't always have to go together). She skips performances. She doesn't enjoy them, but certainly loves music. Playing music and performing on stage don't go hand in hand. Her teacher understands this and doesn't force kids. My child is not the only one.
She has done plays (her choice, because her friends did) and was a lead role and was able to and enjoyed it - but it is not her 'thing' and she recognized this. I did not force her to.
I would not ever force a child to do something that is not enjoyable or would cause them stress.
I had a child who was not an athlete. When they came to us at end of first game and handed us the soccer ball and said "Nope!" we un-registered them.
That's just my two cents' worth.
If she loves to dance, but doesn't like to perform - not sure I'd bribe. You could say instead that she could 'try' the dress rehearsal and see how she likes it. That's what I would do. She may enjoy it. I always tell my kids to give it a 'try' and see how they feel. They always try. Then they decide.
* Similarly - some kids love sports, but don't want to play on teams or competitively - there are always alternatives - some of mine play on teams, some have been quite content to play at home in backyard with friends and family. You can always adapt and teachers (like yours at camp) will be willing to work with your child in most cases. You will not be the only parent/child that feels this way you can be sure :)