I couldn't agree more!! I have a high school sophomore and he has been instructed since he was old enough to have friends with sibs that could drive that he was not to be in the car. Both of my sons have actually told parents, "Sorry, I can't drive with you if the teen is driving". No parent has ever been mad or offended.
We have very strict driving with teen rules. Unfortunately, I have a very tragic experience that set the precedence for our family’s rules. My 16 year-old sister, a passenger going home from school was killed by the inexperienced driver when she drove off a cliff. It was here in San Diego and she was 16 years younger them me and I was her emergency contact/guardian, so I received the call. My sophomore son was 2 years-old when she died and to him, he lost his big sister.
Follow your gut and heart! These kinds of mistakes you can't take back or fix. If you think they will drop you from the carpool start calling today other families that might be able to help and fit your daughter into their carpool, incase you need them
Best Wishes,