To help lessen the cough and loosen phlegm in the throat, I suggest getting an evaporator. Place it near where ever she sleeps or plays. The hot vapors help them breathe a bit easier. You might also try letting her play in the bathroom while you run a hot shower. The high amount of steam in the bathroom may help open her passages.
Also, there is a product called Baby Vics. It's a menthol application within a vaseline type substance. Rub a small amount on the chest and just a tiny tiny thin dab under the nostrils.
Other over-the-counter products you can use are Mucinex for kids... reduces nasal and chest congestion. There is also kids meds for colds by Tylenol, Benedryl, Triaminic. They all seem to work rather well.
An old wives talk I heard was putting the child to bed with Vics lathered on the bottom of the feet and then putting heavy socks on.