So here's the thing with potty training - no, you don't want to "force" it - before the child is ready. On the other hand, as was the case with my son - once they're ready and simply choosing NOT to go, it then becomes, Yes, you have to. Because this is life. You don't get to choose to use diapers forever. Using the toilet is not a choice you get to make. Once they're old enough and they're truly ready (which is hard to tell, but like you, I was sure mine was) then yes, they need to be pushed to do it. I'm not sure you can "force" it, you know, it's like eating - if they're stubborn enough, they CAN avoid it. But definitely pushing her to do it is ok. This is her job now. She is big enough to have this responsibility. We all have to and she can too. I used candy rewards for my son. Good luck! (*Caveat - if they "seem" ready, but you get hardcore into it, taking them regularly, rewarding it, making a big deal about it - and they're still not doing it on their own after a week or so, then they truly may not be as ready as you think. We had several false starts. Once he was truly ready, it was easy as pie and after a day or two, he had it.)