my son was 10 months old when i found out i was going to have another baby, who is now 3 months old. i felt so guilty (and still do sometimes) because i knew he wouldnt be at the center of my focus anymore and i wouldnt have all the time to spend with him i did before. i cried for a few days, and tried to go on with everything. i spent a lot of the second pregnancy worrying how cameron (my older child) would react to his sister or brother, and about how he would feel like we wanted to replace him, which could never happen. i ended up not even enjoying the pregnancy, and i was diagnosed with PPD after julian was born. i wouldnt wish that on anyone, and i hope that doesnt happen to you. i try to spend as much one on one time with both boys as i can, but it gets hard. i have cameron help me with small things around the house, and he loves to help me feed julian, the 3 month old. i wont even talk about the sleep i dont get. we're working on that. :) the guilt will eat at you if you let it. if you are pregnant, then congrats and good luck. it will be tiring to chase after toddlers and be pregnant.