I believe you have an incredibly smart child who knows how to express his disdain for daycare! I believe he is doing this on purpose to gain attention from you. Perhaps you should leave him at daycare for a few more weeks giving him time to adjust.
On the other hand, something may be wrong with that daycare center. When my son first attended daycare, he, like the average first time day care child, cried for two weeks frantically. He adjusted but was always eager and happy to see me when I came to pick him up. When he switched teachers at 6 months, he did the same thing. Except this time he was truly unhappy. Although he stopped crying, he hated daycare and always whined and watched me carefully to grab me before I left. I thought my son was having difficulty adjusting to new teachers so I tried to keep him home as much as possible. After 4 months, we moved and went to a different daycare center. He did the crying bit for two weeks (remember, thsi is normal) but afterwards, he loved going. He would run to the teacher, give her a hug, smile and laugh.
I realize now, that the orginal daycare he was at, the teachers in the new classroom must have been horrible. I noticed small things, little things that added up, that I didn't like. But I always excused it with the thought that of course they were busy and their work stressful. After all, no daycare is perfect and the best place for any child is their mom's arms. But now, I realize how foolish I was to keep silent and let all those little things slide. After talking to other moms who used to attend there, I realized the center had a bad reputation. I feel like the worst parent ever to send my son to such a horrible place. But now, I love my child's new day care and so does he.
So, not to make you worry, you might want to check out your daycare. You can request to look at their files (random visits and annual reports) at the local government office (I forgot the department name). When you stop by, take note of how the teachers treat babies and such. When it's time for parents to come, do they clean instead of hold babies and comfort them? Do they let noses run and drool to amount?