Dear I.,
I am an owner of a daycare center myself and unfortunately staff turnover does happen. I have owned my center for two years now and have been fortunate to have only lost one teacher and a few aides due to them going away to college. Even in that situation I felt horrible when I had to tell parents about the changes. When children bond with a teacher it is difficult when they are let go or choose to leave. I must tell you I do not think this director is telling the entire story and it is probably because she cannot. If it were for the reasons she stated I would have thought she would take time to find a replacement. If it is not urgent I don't think she would just fire Sue and give the class to a floater. There has to be more to the story. So maybe Sue really wasn't what she appeared. That being said, age, experience, and having children does not always make a good child caretaker. I have some college students who have worked for me since high school that I trust completely. They are loving, energetic, wonderful girls. I think you should see how your daughter does with this new girl and try to be positive yourself. Your daughter will pick up on your anxiety. Your concern is genuine, however if you trust the center, the director, and the remaining staff then give it a few days. If your gut tells you it is not okay and this is no longer a good fit then go with your gut and find a new center. Good luck I hope it all works out for you. Also, pop in unannounced you may be happy to find your daughter is doing just fine.