Hey K.,
I have to say using verses from the Bible is one of the best ways you can come across to someone who procliams thier relationship with christ and procliams to live thier life to glory god and his kindom. When God is truly living through us in our lives and in our hearts our behavior is not to be selfish self centered or boastful and most of all of about anything that we can not take to heaven, our behavoir is only one of the ways to glorify god. I have come to realize that just becuase someone goes to church and is involved in the church may not be for God but for them selves and people all to often believe well I am going to church giving my time I am good to go, but when someones self being does not coralate with all that they do and procliam they need to do some serious soul searching. That person needs someone to tell them just how they make other people feel, not by attacking them but saying it as a friend and try to have a discussion about it.To love one or the other but not both. Of coarse we can enjoy the gifts we have been blessed with but not to obsess or be prideful of them, then it's not really enjoyable,of coarse you know all of this already. Bring it up as respectlfully and courtious as you can and then it will be up to her on how she will take it and handle it. God bless and keep praying about it.
Remember try not to hold a grudge I know it is not the easist thing to always do but is it benefiting you? Go to Eagle brook.com then go to past messages/online messages their is series that related to me and my relationship with my sister-in-law it might help you out as well, you'll see it (life's to short)and (liquid money). I know this is a long message,You will have to let us know how it goes if you want.
Have a joyous and blessed day
Melissa B