Hi J.,
If you decrease your caloric intake by 250 calories a day, and increase your exercise by 250 calories a day, you will loose a lb. a week. If you drink any kind of alcohol, even 1 oz. will slow down your metabolism regardless of the exercise. After alcohol consumption, it takes the body 3 days to get back to a nonalcoholic metabolism. Depressing if you like the glass of wine with dinner.
I'm not a complete advocate of low carb. high protien diets, however, protien will decrease appetite and increase energy.
You know what they say, "Everything in moderation."
Sounds like you are a disciplined woman, I'm sure you'll find the way. When I feel like I need to loose a lb. or two, I ask myself, "Would I want to make love to that body?" If the answer is no, I cut out the extras for a week. Works for me!
Good luck,