The Haslet Library does storytime every Wednesday at 10:15am. My 3 year old goes there and he seems to enjoy it. They try to read stories for all ages.
What library in the north Forth Worth/Saginaw/Haslet area has a great (maybe interactive) story time that our 2 year old son would find fun and entertaining? I am realistic and know that he is 2 and may only sit still for a record 30 seconds, but would like to know what other mommies have tried & liked. Thanks!
The Haslet Library does storytime every Wednesday at 10:15am. My 3 year old goes there and he seems to enjoy it. They try to read stories for all ages.
Try the Saginaw Public Library. http://www.ci.saginaw.tx.us/depts/library/index.htm
I don't know about a reading program at a library, but my husband and I do storytime before bed. We choose books that he would be interested in like Thomas Train or Cars. I have also bought him a book from Celebrate Express, it is persanalized and he is in the story and interacts with the characters. This is one of the only books he will sit through because he is in it. I hope this helps.
The public library on Basswood. Its on ____@____.com librarian uses puppets to tell stories & sings songs w/the kids.
We love the storytime @ the Keller Public Library on Johnson Road.
FWPL at Summergle is good. Tuesdays & Wednesday at 1030am and Thursdays at 1100am. You can even sit with him...that may help. There is even a craft to do after the story. It's great. If you bring him often, he will get used to it. They do songs as well.
The Watauga Library on Hightower and Whitley (next to the police dept.) has a fabulous story time. I thinnk on Tuesday's but not for sure. She even had a craft or coloring picture for the kids that pertains to the story she reads.
He may be a little young for this yet but the one at Ft. Worth's Summerglen Library on Basswood & Beach is on Tuesday & Wednesday at 10:30 and it's great they do songs and read a story. My 2 1/2 year old won't sit for it either so we really don't try, he'd rather do the puzzles in the kids section.
The storytime at Southlake Public Library is great. They have songs, stories and puppets. Elizabeth and Jesse really get the kids involved. We go to the 11:00 for preschool (3-5 yr olds), but I know they have earlier times for younger kids. Check their website. It's a little far to drive, especially with gas prices so high but I think it's worth it. My kids enjoyed it more than the ones closer to Keller.