I am kind of in the same boat as you. After I had my second child my body underwent some drastic changes and I was recently diagnosed with Grave's Disease (my thyroid is shot) and my doctor said I would have to work extra hard just to maintain my weight, and forget about losing more than five pounds! But I am determined to lose weight, and I am in the Army so I have to do pt in the morning, but I need motivation to work extra. I have the turbojam dvd's, and if you can get over looking silly until you learn the moves they actually work well and are fun to do. I also am supposed to be on a special diet, but I have NO willpower! So, are you going to go to a gym or are you going to do it at home? I have a house full of little exercise things that I buy with the intention of getting in shape, but they sit around and collect dust. I will try to come on here once a day and email you. Just try to make a plan for tomorrow, like "will walk for 30 minutes" and try to accomplish whatever you choose. We've got to start somewhere! Well, good night, and good luck.