Hi C., my son was diagnosed with GERD at 5 weeks and put on Zantac. HE got much better within a day or two if i remember correctly, so I would say what the other mom said makes sense, if it's been a week or somethign and no change, it's probably not goign to help? Zantac doesnt' stop them from spitting up, it jsut makes it less acidic so that when they DO throw up, it doens't bother them as much. My son took .7ml of Zantac til he was about 5 and a half months old (18 pounds--he's really long) so at that point since we hadn't upped the dosage (he started at .7) he was getting very little per pound of body weight so the dcotr said to try weaning him of fit. He's completely off now and does fine. Still spits up occasionally but doesn;t bother him. good luck!