Seeking Info on Private Schools in Keller/Westlake/Southlake/Grapevine Etc

Updated on November 03, 2008
M.S. asks from Roanoke, TX
4 answers

Hi, I am new to the education system in this area and have a nearly preschooler. We r looking for info on the best private preschools and schools in the area. Especially Westlake Academy which is really close. What type curriculum is used? Why u chose to send your child there? How do extra curricula activities work? We r in the North east Keller area school district.

Thanks in advance

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answers from Dallas on

My girls are at Little Sprouts and Alliance Christian Academy (ACA). ACA is a homeschool partnership (K-3, and expanding), and my daughter is in Kindergarten there. I love the small class size (I think they have two teachers for about 12 kids), personal attention, and the love the teachers show the students. They have chapel, Spanish and P.E., in addition to the usual pre-K and K things. I also really liked the 3 day schedule for the Kindergarten. My daughters are both learning so much and they really like going to school, too. All the teachers I've come in contact with are very kind and gentle and the director, Dr. Christy Wilson, is very good and easy to talk with. This is a small, but growing school. Their website is

We chose this school because it was located at our church. This year, they moved to a new church, Alliance Community Fellowship, but since we liked the school so much, we don't mind the new location (and its a drive for me!). I'm not particularly a school snob, so I can't say that I shopped around very much, but I think we got very lucky to get into such a great program.

Hope that helps.



answers from Dallas on

You can also check out; they have a great preschool guide for our area and an e-book that helps you with the things to think about when choosing a preschool.

Good luck - this is one of the hardest decisions to make!!


answers from Dallas on

You have to go on a waiting list I believe for Westlake Academy. I believe it is a charter school and the list is like 2 years long.

There are many options depending on what type of private school you are looking for. Are you looking for non-christian or christian based?

My daughter Attends SEAS. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. She is in Kindergarten and already attends Spanish & French Classes (not taught by their normal teacher)and more. They are advanced though.

For 3 year olds they have full day MWF and T/Th the same for 4 year olds or full 5 days a week.

They are other options as well like Keller Christian School (Church of Christ based) and so on.





answers from Dallas on

Unless you actually live in Westlake, you can put your name on the waiting list - usually by January of the preceding year. They start at Kindergarten - IF there are any open slots for Kindergarten after all Westlake residents and currently enrolled students siblings enroll - then there is a lottery for placement (or for waitlist status).

We have attended Westlake, don't currently - but have many friends who do. Once you are on the waitlist - you stay there until your child graduates. There are currently about 900 families on the wait list.

That being said The keller area has lots of private school options. Are you looking for private school for the full education or only pre-K/K??

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