We've had a diffcult time getting our son to stay in bed since he could crawl out of his crib. Now that he is 3, I had enough and had to come up with some way to keep him in bed at bedtime, and through the night. So, I came up with an egg trick. He loved his eggs at Easter, so I took that idea and modified it. First I made a sign with his sleep rules (from the Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child book) and we go over those every night, (1) Close our eyes (2) Stay in Bed (3) Be Very Quiet (4) Go to sleep. Then I have 10 eggs with 2 M&M's each. I know candy isn't the best, but it's his favorite candy and I was pretty desperate. Good news is, he usually doesn't even remember the candy the next day. I put the eggs in a clear bowl on top of his dresser so he can see them. I tell him that every time he gets out of bed, he loses an egg. The first couple of nights, he lost all of them. However, when he finally fell asleep, I would sneak one back so that he got something for finally going to sleep and help him understand the idea. Then for the sleeping thorugh the night, I put a digital clock in his room and covered up the minutes with tape so he could just see the hour. I explained that he could come up to mommy and daddy's room when his clock said a 6. Then he could cuddle with us for a little bit before getting ready for the day. If he got out of bed earlier, we would take him back to his room and take an egg away. We would stay very consistent. Within a week, he would stay in bed at bedtime, and sleep through the night in his own bed. He HATES losing an egg. Also, when taking him back to his bed, we were not "forceful". We gently put him back in his bed, gave him kisses, and said goodnight, but would say, "you've lost an egg, you need to stay in bed so you don't lose another one" and take an egg and leave. He would always say "don't take an egg!" but you have to stay consistent for anything to work. Then I would give him all the eggs he kept the next day and he would be so excited. This method worked very well with very little crying for a very head strong little boy who hated going to sleep. Hopefully this helps and you can modify this idea for your little girl!