Congrats on #2!
I thought I would look and see what kind of responses you got. I have thought of possibly switching OB/GYNs. I go to the practice the previous poster mentioned. I try to see Dr. Lenart there. She delivered my daughter and I absolutely love her, but as for the others, minus the male doctor (I can't remember his name), I'm not very fond of the rest. I had a m/c before my daughter and Dr. Bulesco was not very kind to me when I went in for my follow-up. She wasn't mean, per se, but she didn't show any empathy AT ALL, so I just don't care for her anymore. Once when I was pregnant with my daughter and worried because I hadn't felt her move in hours, I called in to see if I could go in for a NST, and Dr. Brown gave me major attitude about it. Since then, I haven't cared for her either. Dr. Lenart is the best one to see there...she is always open, caring and always listens to you. No attitude, not too busy for you. The only problem is that you have to see all doctors while you are pregnant because any one of them may be on call when you deliver...
As for delivering at St. Clair Hospital...I also highly recommend them. I had an amazing and wonderful experience with my daughter's birth there. The nurses are wonderful!