Leave gDiaper or whatever it is alone. Come on...your son is 21 months old. Does he say mommy or daddy? Does he understand you when you talk to him? Does he understand the concept of no, stop, don't do that? If he should be on his way to being potty trained whether he's interested in it or not. He's a child. A child, at that age, really doesn't have any say so as to what they want and don't want. Remember, we're in a recession and everything is pricy, including diapers. Now, maybe you can afford buying high priced diapers but I'm a single mother of three and I trained my 13 year old and my 4 year old when they were 2. My 15 year old, however, was a tad bit different, but you better believe when I finished with her she got it right before she was 3. I sorta was trying to force her at first but after speaking with her doctor, I let off on her a little bit. She would urinate in the pot but I had to put a diaper on her in order for her to deficate. I think you might wanna try talking to him about the pot and introducing him to it now. He's almost 2 years old and you need to start now. By the time he reaches 24 months, he'll be ready. Also reward him for using the pot. Leave those diapers alone for heaven sake.