I have very strong opinions about TV. LET THEM WATCH! For goodness sake, I watched Sesame Street with my daughter and kept a library of Thomas the Tank Engine episodes on hand for my personal time (bathroom, shower, etc.) There is nothing wrong with some TV. You hit it on the head with the term "moderation". I would let my daughter watch TV when she was about a 12-18 months for about one hour at most per day (usually in the winter time--less in the summer). That was broken up into 15 minutes here, 15 minutes there--you get the point--it wasn't one hour solid. I think parents have this image of a child watching too much TV and eating cheetoes all day long. A little TV isn't going to create that monster if you don't let it!!
The link between ADHD and TV viewing under 2 is hogwash in my humble opinion. Every couple of years doctors try to blame something new on ADD/ADHD--TV was it's target of late. However, the study never took into account the types of programs or the level of interaction the parents had with their children while watching TV.
I've learned that watching a little TV with my daughter has been great. We can talk about what is happening which encourages speech and thought process.
We've gotten way too "freakish" about these subjects. I find it unfortunate that fear and worry often dominate our parenting!
That said, I also would encourage other entertainment sources as well (for variety). We also listen to a lot of music. My daughter, now age 3, loves all types of music. She will even sometimes choose that we listen to music over TV. Now that she's three, she likes to make the choice herself.
One last thing, I think the Baby Einstein videos are great--we watched them too.
Good luck!