Well, you might get a few varying opinions on this....from people saying they allow their babies to watch videos to people saying that you are not allowed to let your child watch TV until they are over 2 years old.
My son has been watching Baby Einstein videos since he was 5.5 months old. He would sit and watch the whole DVD - about 20 minutes. He is now 17 months old, and we own the whole collection. I bought the collection off of Ebay. For 19 DVDs and shipping, it came to $40.00. You can't beat that! He is truly addicted to them now!! It's a good thing, and a bad thing. He has learned soooo much from watching them! The other day, he started 'whispering' in my ear like he was telling a secret. I had no idea where he learned that...well, there's a BE video with 2 monkeys telling each other secrets. He's learned so many animals and their sounds. We have pictures in our bathroom with fish on them. He pointed to them, and said 'ish' for fish. He learned what a fish was from the videos. He dances and claps along with the videos. It's so cute!
I can't recommend really a specific one really. My son loves them all so far...I guess his favorites at the moment are 'Discovering Shapes', 'From Head to Toe', and any one with animals in it. 'World Animals' is the one he started watching at 5.5 months old.
Hope this helps!