Seeking Advice for MIL

Updated on September 14, 2012
M.W. asks from Oxnard, CA
13 answers

Hi Wise Moms!
My MIL is constantly giving me my husband's baby clothes and or items (blankets, silver cup, baptism items etc.) with the expectation that I will use for my son. While I understand this is a way of bonding with me. I am getting a bit irritated. The clothes she gives me are 35 years old and I would never dream of my son actually wearing these items in public. Plus, my husband has said our son would look ridiculous in them. When she gave me a coat and hat, I said this would be perfect clothes to play "dress up" in and she was offended. Just the other day she asked me if she gave me my husband's silver cup.. yes, she did but my son has three already! The reason is this irritating me is that I have no place to store these items anymore and I know I am going to get more through the coming years.

I would appreciate your thoughts!

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Thanks so much for your advice! I love my MIL dearly and I know I will be a MIL one day too :) I'll just tuck away the items in a box and from time to time, put the clothes on him when she visits. Thanks again!

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answers from San Antonio on

I would just take the things and say "thank you." If it is something particularly sentimental to her, dress baby up in it when you visit her. Put all the rest of it in a box, and if she comes over you can pull a thing or two out. If she comes over and it's not out, say you're having it cleaned or you're rotating things b/c you've received so many generous gifts. Then everyone is happy, right?

I think you could just be gracious, it's not a terrible problem to have.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Try to fast forward in your mind about 30 years, and picture yourself giving some of your treasured baby items (that you have saved for 30 years) to YOUR DIL for your new grandson. How would you like your daughter in law to react?

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answers from Raleigh on

Maybe have YOUR HUSBAND nicely tell your MIL that while you both appreciate the thought, these items are not practical for a day to day basis and that he would prefer that she keep them at her house since your house is filling up fast. Have him explain that they may be sentimental for her, but that they have no sentimental value for him, and he wouldn't actually put your son in any of them. It is not going to be pretty, but if your husband explains it to her, you won't look like the bad guy. Good luck!

P.S. I personally would just take a few things here and there and put them in a box in the attic, but that's just me!

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answers from Dallas on

If this is the worst problem you have with your MIL get down on your knees and praise God!
Wanna trade? LOL
Seriously, I could see that that could be a problem. I would do the picture then discard the items or donate them.

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answers from Austin on

This is really funny, actually. Especially that your hubby thinks your son would look ridiculous in his 3o+ yr old clothes, lol.

The way I see it you have two choices:
1.) Tell her that while you really love the sentiment that you just have no room for anymore stuff. I would say you could suggest she donate herself to the Goodwill but that might p her off.
2.) Or depending on how touchy she is you could just take the stuff, be polite, say thanks and donate yourself. If and when she asks when she comes to visit where the stuff is just play dumb, say you don't know with all the toys it must be somewhere......???.

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answers from Tulsa on

Remember that you will be a MIL one day.

She is doing this out of love, and so that counts for a whole lot.
This is your child, but it is her grandchild and she's waited years and years for this. While it may be misguided, it's still love. She is your son's Grandma, and that's special.

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answers from Las Vegas on

Dress baby up in the clothes and take a picture. Send her the picture. It will make her happy and hopefully tone it down. Then if she asks, just let her know the items are so sentimental that you don't want him to ruin anything. You only take them out from time to time.

My husbands Aunt sent me a picture of her granddaughter in a dress and bonnet which had to be her daughters when she was a baby. She was proud enough of the picture and I am quite sure Laura did it just to make her mother happy. I'm talking Little House on the Prairie bonnet...Blue Bonnet butter type bonnet.

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answers from Dallas on

Consider yourself lucky - I got hubby's baby clothes, FIL's baby clothes, the trophy MIL won in a pretty baby contest, and the room decorations from MIL's sister who died 10 years before I met DH! What I liked or could tolerate I found room for on the kid's shelves. The rest I buried in the cedar chest and have slowly weeded out over the years - my experience has been that after a couple years she forgets she gave it to me and I'm safe in getting rid of it if I want to. I won't tell her to stop, it gives her so much joy to pass these things on to me, and it's really a small price to pay to have such a great MIL.

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answers from Kansas City on

One thing I did, since my baby was so good at letting me use her as a doll, was take pictures in all the different outfits people gave her and send them to them. You could do the same with your son if he'll let you. And maybe you could get a little shelf for his room to display all his silver cups? the one we got from my husbands work is still in it's box, but we've got a cute little shelf that has some other collectibles and breakables people gave her. (why anyone would give an infant a porcelin doll is beyond me, but she likes to look at it).

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answers from Detroit on

it sounds to me like you don't have the MIL from hell. and maybe she's just being a little sentimental. if you have a decent relationship with her or better yet a good one, maybe invite her over for lunch and really just keep it real with her. Maybe say, I really appreciate where your thoughts and heart are but i just have so many things already that i really don't' have the space for them. I feel honored that you trust me with you son/my husband KEEPSAKES ( don't say old stuff) but I really can't seem to find a place for them right now and would feel more comfortable if you kept them plus (keep the focus on her good intentions) and say I may not take as good as care of them as YOU HAVE! flatter her but let her know the deal. there is NEVER going to be a "perfect way" to tell her this but if you are truly feeling overwhelmed by it you should let her know that way the communication lines are still open between you 2 and maybe she will get a little mad at you but she will proberly see the light and say at she was honest with me and that may help her respect you more and strengthen your bond with her. Good luck!

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answers from Austin on

My MIL did that too. I don't see the point of saving clothes like that. I saved one "special" thing from each of my boys' babyhood and got rid of the rest. My MIL had this hideous WHITE outfit that she forced my children into when I wasn't looking. She then took them to Sears and had multiple photo's taken. I have a whole series of framed pictures from my older boy WEEPING and crying, with that horrible forced smile. The only way I found out she did this to my younger son was that he came home with new white shoes. I never saw any of those pictures, but I'm sure from the way I reacted when presented with the previous ones I never will.
Anyway. I agree with the other posters in that you should just throw them in a box. Then you don't have to worry about them. Any old clothing (that isn't like an heirloom) just give to goodwill.

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answers from Austin on

Do be patient with your mother in law. She must have enjoyed the time she spent with your husband when he was a baby and wants to pass on her good experiences to you through the clothes and other items. Do not tell her any more that they will be good for "dress-ups." Just accept the clothes and store them with cedar balls in a box. Use the silver cups, or display them. Try to make time for her and share the baby with her. She wants to be part of his life. Judy K.

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answers from Minneapolis on

Dress him up in the clothes, take a picture of him in them, using the cup, etc. Send the pictures as a card to your MIL thanking her for being so thoughtful.

Hope she didn't save clothes until her baby turned 18!!

If you don't have space to store the items, give them back to her after Johnny has outgrown them. Or hang on to them for Johnny's kids, his wife MIGHT appreciate it.

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