My yougest was born with erb's palsy I went to a pediatric neuro. I would consider getting a check up with that type of doctor. I also went to the Shriners for assistance but now the children's hosp Eagleston has an erb's palsy unit. I don't know anything about your son's condition but I do know this even stroke patents get some type of phsy therapy to help move the muscles and work with the muscles losing any form at all. I can't imagine not having some type of therapy for him even if surgery is the only way to go with a situation. You are your child's only advocate your doctor is human and I if it was me would get another opinion about his condition....I did the same for my child because I wanted to years later tell him I did everything in my power to help you...and I did. He is doing better without surgery he is one of the few and he had phsy therapy for his limp arm so that atraphey would not set in his muscles. In fact I'd get more the n one opinion and call the shriners hosp look them up on line I didn't need a referral as another lady had said she did. Do your research there for a start if fact if you need a ride they will make arrignments to get you to all of your appointments. I started out first calling a local shiner number to get info I had no computer at the time, you must or you couldn't post and you have lots of info at your finger tips. My best wishes to you.