I didn't have this with my first pregnancy, but have had it REALLY bad with this one. They just keep telling me Tylenol, but I don't like taking pills, especially pregnant... A couple things have worked though. I did a March of Dimes Walk (for me it was more of a limp/waddle) and for several weeks after, I had no nerve pain. The dr. attributed this to getting the kink out of the nerve or causing my son to change position. Also, if you have a birthing/ exercise ball, try sitting on that when you have to sit down. A chiropractor might not be a bad visit to make either. I would definitely try all methods before relying on such a powerful pill as Tylenol with codine (if I am not mistaken, that is what the 3 is, right?). www.spinningbabies.com might help to reposition the baby too. Good luck and I hope you get some relief soon!