A. -
Your DR. is just wrong. If you can see that she is "bossing" on one side of her face, she needs to be in the helmet, the sooner the better. My daughter has worn a helmet since she was a little over 4 mos., is now 61/2 mos. & is beginning to wear it only at naps & overnight, when she is likely to be on her head. She has made tremendous progress, and I don't regret any of it. Her case was mild, but my Ped. referred us to an orthotist right away at 4 months. We were at first taken back - we thought it would just even out on its own... didn't see much of a problem... but we found out that the longer you wait, the longer the child will have to wear the helmet. A babies skull is more moldable the younger that they are. Your child will adjust really quickly to the helmet, and the progress even in the first week will astound you. If you need a second opinion, I suggest you see one of the Dr's at Pediatric Associates of the Main Line. We see Dr. Rabinowitz. They have an office in Paoli at the hospital.
Just don't wait. Your delay will only cause your child to have to wear the helmet for a longer period of time. You can research "bands" or helmets by googling "starband" or "doc band" or find out more about the condition by googling "plagiocephaly". Good Luck!