Hi J.,
I know how stressed out you are because we went through the helmet saga with our daughter.
First of all, our experience with Cranial Tech was top notch! They are all fabulous! The office staff and all the therapists remembered my daughter's name and were so attentive to detail. They helped us so much with information, working with our insurance and rejoiced in every millimeter of correction we achieved. We were serviced out of the Charlotte, NC office b/c of where we were living last year.
My daughter wore her band for 3.5 months and achieved borderline perfect symmetry and 11mm in length. She got her helmet at 7 months. I wish we'd gone in sooner b/c we could have achieved more correction. The sooner they get the band, the sooner and quicker correction can begin. Also, the less likely you are to need a second helmet-which is what happens when kids get into them late and their growth has slowed down. But I am happy with how her head looks. We were lucky in that her case was purely cosmetic.
Despite our efforts, documentation and a letter from our pediatrician, our insurance did not pay one penny. Last March when we received our helmet, the total cost of band and all visits was $3000. We put it all on our credit card up front and were given a discount, so we actually paid $2700. They also have financing options if you want to stagger payments.
You are fortunate to have a pediatrician who is in tune with this issue. Our pediatrician kept telling us that my daughter's head would be fine, just leave it alone. But I'm not crazy and her head shape was not improving despite my best repositioning efforts. I actually referred myself to Cranial Tech b/c I needed another opinion.
We made the decision to go through with the band treatment b/c we simply didn't want our daughter to ever wonder why her head was a different shape than her friends. We also visited a cranio-facial surgeon (completely independent of Cranial Tech)to get his opinion. He basically said, "She's fine and beautiful and no one will ever know if she keeps her hair long. But, it she were my daughter, I'd do it b/c she will know her head is different and it might bother her if she wants to wear her hair in a short style".
That may seem shallow, but it's honest. It's not her fault that her head is a different shape and as a parent, I want to do my best for her to feel secure and confident. Besides, it's fixable! I figure if this is the worst we have to deal with, we're doing great.
Wearing the band during the warmer months like we did is not the easiest, but Cranial Tech is great for instructions and tips on how to best manage the cleaning and care.
I hope this has helped you. Like I said above, Cranial Tech was awesome and I highly recommend them. We achieved wonderful results and I must say, I followed every directive they gave me. When they said to wear the helmet so many hours a day, we did it.
Good luck with your decision.