"Leave when the banjo comes out." Bridgette, that is priceless.:)
My folks always wonder "why don't you come visit for Christmas?". I really do love them, but what I would like to tell them:
"Remember Christmas '01, when I visited you in California? Remember when you wouldn't let my boyfriend come for Christmas day because "Dad was traumatized by all the jerks his daughters dated"? Remember when I had to go the ER the day before Christmas Eve for a horrible bladder infection that was making me cry? Remember stepmom chiding me all Christmas Eve for "not participating" because I was *in bed resting* per doctors orders? Remember the big giant guilt trip about "Dad really wants us all to go to Christmas Eve services at the (totally hateful and judgmental not-Christian-at-all) church", and even after I went, how Christmas Eve night at 11 pm, stepmom came into my room and asked what 'my attitude' was all about and how I "wasn't making an effort" and began to psychoanalyze me (without my permission, and certainly without a license or any objectivity)? Remember Christmas morning when stepmom and sister argued and started a bitchy/squabbling marathon which lasted all day? This is why I do not visit during holidays because a few of you get passive aggressive and a bit c-r-a-z-y."
I've been with the 'possibly traumatizing boyfriend' for the last 10 years and have since celebrated every Christmas with him, at home, far far away from family. ;)