Hi. I am a Certified Post Partum Doula. Your concerns are going to be watching weight gain which can lead to delivering earlier than due date. Therefore, really eat the healthy things. Protein, vegtables, nuts and beans. There are lots of beans out there and tons of ways to eat them. From taco salads to chile and burritos to eggs and black beans.
Watch fruit and sugar. For your fruits i suggest the Bazi super juice. 2 - 3 ozs gives you all your fruits from berries and is a wonderful replacement for vitamin pills. World-renouned Doctors 500 to be exact and 400 Celebrity Athletes find Bazi to be the best on the market. Therefore, i use it too, love it and recommend it to all of my breast feeding clients, all friends family etc. It has 8 nutrient dense fruits and berries, the 12 essential vitamins, including the B's which B6 is the best for morning sickness. It also has 68 plant-derived minerals. It's only available through individual distribution (Network Marketing) which is how I found it. It's an amazing nutrient drink and tastes great. Kids love it. Website: www.drinkbazi.biz/ladydi I enrolled for practically nothing and get it directly from the Company at a great discount. I've checked out the company, am so impressed the Pres and Founder, staff and customer service, but the drink is amazing for everyone. Oh and you get a 60-day money-back guarentee, making it easy to Enroll so u get the discount right away too. You might think of getting two cases on your enrolling order because additional cases on the enrolling (or first order) are at an even better price. Guess it's to help stay-at-home Moms like us and others who want to share with lots of people as a little business, the chance to get earning quickly. I have great info on this company if you want it. But call. I only get time to be on MamaSource once in a while. (303/979-5263)
S for you and baby, listen to your OB/GYN and study a little, like you are doing. You will do great in your pregnancy. There could be a chance of C-Section if baby is BIG. Don't worry, its gestational diabetes is common and nutrition and weight gain can be monitored you sou d like u are doing great. June is right around the corner. You can email me directly at ____@____.com or feel free to call 303/979-5263
D. M.