I agree with the other women definately. How are you doing now? What did the doctor say? I hope all is well with you and baby and that you were able to get a hold of your doctor.
My last baby was my very hardest pregnancy and worst labor yet, and that was baby number five for live births and number 6 in total pregnancies. I had lost a baby a few months before I conceived her.
I was in a tremendous amount of pain due to the stretching of the stomach, but also I found my amniotic fluid to be low so I could feel her so much more, plus the hyper activity of the fetus when the fluid is low I found out was common.
If you are ever in pain to the point where it scares you, don't be afraid to call your doctor and have them paged at ANY time day or night. OB's are used to having crazy schedules, it's part of their job, If they are not available they usually have another doctor on call for them.
Like others have said better safe than sorry or I say better safe than in pain. I had natural births with baby number 1, and baby number 3 (who was a VBAC because baby 2 was a C Section) Baby number 4 also was natural child birth and my second VBAC (Vaginal Birth after Cecerean Section) and baby number 5 was an emergency C Section, though we tried beyond the advice of the medical staff at the hospital for a VBAC- he pulled rank on them for me. My doctor was incredible and did everything he could to give me a VBac, but he did not want to risk my life or that of my baby and things were very bad in the labor room. I say this to let you know I'm a tough gal, but despite it, when I was pregnant with baby number five the sciatic nerve pain was so bad I was on codiene while I was pregnant. I had to be given even valium once while during an ultra sound just so I could make it to the ultrasound dept in the hospital. The pain would get worse with contractions and twice I had to be completely knocked out just so I could sleep with a shot of pheregen with demerol. Mine was a case of pneumonia for two months and then pre term labor for another 3. I spent almost 5 months in the hospital with contractions 3-5 minutes apart usually and at least 10 min apart constantly stopping the labor for months. It was awful. BUT despite all of that, I am OK and my baby was born premature, but completely healthy and could go home with me and didn't spend time in Neonatal ICU.
I tell you all this to give you hope and to know that no matter how painful or horrible the pregnancy or labor can be, there is hope.
I wish you the best of luck and I'll keep you in my prayers. Talk with your doctor and be assertive but kind to the nurses so they know you mean business about your own health. ;)