I'm so sorry for your loss. I've had 2 miscarriages and I think it's a very normal emotion to be afraid to have more children, but as you're learning, your emotions to change and unfortunately, it doesn't sound like you got very good advice on this. Your doctor should have advised you to wait a while until you were more emotionally stable so to make sure you wouldn't have any regrets! Now, you have 2 losses to deal with.
I can only say that a reversal would be a great decision and another pregnancy would help you heal. I'm pregnant and I have high risk pregnancies. Everyday can be scary, but I focus on that end result and trust that God is with me through this. Nothing can totally take away the pain of a miscarriage, but it does get easier! I have a good friend who had 3 miscarriages that were physically very difficult. She had to deliver one of them and the last one she lost so much blood they had to do an emergency d & c and give her 2 liters of blood. The good news is she waited a while to get pregnant again and I remember her being so adament that she wasn't going to do it again, but eventually she did and she now has a beautiful baby girl.
If it were me, I would get a reversal and try for another one. You're having a normal feeling.
Good luck with your decision.