I completely agree with Nicole...Pull-Ups are just expensive diapers that make potty training a very long process! I would also suggest purchasing some "puppy piddle pads" like you'd use for potty training a dog. Put these down in the car seat, stroller, couch, etc. That way you're only cleaning up the clothing and everything in your house!
I used a doll that went potty to show my son and then we made a huge deal about the doll going potty. We gave the doll a present and had a little party for it. My husband even called on the phone and pretended to be Thomas the Tank to congratulate him.
My son was really interested in the attention the doll was getting and became more intrigued by the potty. The first time he went we threw the same kind of party for him. We kept him in underwear and every time he had an accident we'd take him back to the potty. Every time he went on the potty we'd give him a small reward (usually stickers). If he received a certain number of stickers he could have a Matchbox Car (he was obsessed with these at the time).
The biggest thing is to keep consistent and you will probably have to stay close to home for a couple of days. It's my understanding that the program you referred to recommends that you be prepared to stay home for the 1-3 days as well.
Good luck! It's a lot of work for a couple of days, but SO worth it when you get through it. My son was tougher, but my daughter was trained before 18 months without any trouble at all.