It could be a food allergy but like a previous poster said it also could be acid reflux. I have both. The acid reflux is more of a 'long term' thing though and when I'm not taking my medicine for it (I take kapidex which is similar to prevacid or nexium), I feel like something is caught in the bottom of my throat all the time.
With the food allergy, it tends to start about 2 hours (sometimes more, sometimes less) after I have eaten whatever it is that I'm allergic to (still haven't figured it out) and I will have the sensation that my throat is starting to close, my lips and tongue 'burn', and I feel like I'm having the worst asthma attack of my life. This has happened to me on 3 different occasions and with the first 2 I took my inhaler and the symptoms went away, with the last, I had to go to the ER for treatment. I now have an epi-pen.
The previous poster mentioned taking prevacid and while this might work it's not a 100% guarantee that you are not having an allergic reaction to the nuts because prevacid contains an antihistimine and is one of the medications used when someone has a mild ANA reaction to a food allergen.
Personally I think it would be best for you to avoid tree nuts altogether and make an appointment either with your primary care doctor or an allergist to have food allergy testing. They can test for specific foods if you have a suspicion of the cause, which it sounds like you do.
I hope this helped. I'm not an "expert" on this subject by any means but I also have 2 sons with food allergies and they react completely different than I do to mine. One son vomits uncontrollably when exposed to a food allergen, the other breaks out in a rash. So people can react differently but when it comes to breathing difficulties or the sensation of your throat closing, I think it's always better to get tested.